103 percent growth on a global scale: 3D printers for at home

There is no denying it, the 3D printer3D-printer-forecast market is booming. According to a new Gartner research worldwide shipments of 3D printers will climb to half a million. That’s almost double the amount of 3d printing machines sold in 2015. Moreover, between 2016 and 2019 3D printer shipments are forecast to double every year. 3D printers for at home and in small offices are a reality. If you’re not sure what 3D printing is all about, take a look at my page here.

Global impact

“Rapid quality and performance innovations across all 3D printer technologies are driving both enterprise and consumer demand, with unit shipment growth rates for 3D printers increasing significantly,” said Pete Basiliere, research vice president at Gartner. “The 3D printer market is continuing its transformation from a niche market to broad-based, global market of enterprises and consumers.” 

3D possibilities are ever evolving and there are seemingly no limitations. Earlier in September US researchers developed a 3D printed guide that helps regrow both sensory and motor functions of complex nerve systems. These techniques can help the nerves regrow after an injury.

Startup Carbon3D

Meanwhile, a young yet different company, Carbon3D, came up with a new approach to 3D printing. They understand some of the 3D printing weaknesses and improved them. Like I explained in an earlier article, the 3D printing process works by layering. It’s essentially like 2D printing, over and over again. Carbon3D makes use of CLIP (Continuous Liquid Interface Production) to improve speed and quality. Instead of printing layer by layer, this technique grows the parts instead of printing them. It’s almost like the newly formed objects emerge from a cocktail of ingredients. Take a look yourself in their demo video below.

3D printing will evolve a lot in the next years. Truth is nobody can exactly predict how big the 3D printing impact will be. However, manufacturers and governments are investing a lot in making 3D printers smaller and affordable for anybody. Owning your own 3D printer isn’t something unimaginable anymore as it used to be. If you are left with any questions just drop a comment below and I will be more than happy to answer it for you.

Have a nice day,


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  1. Sho that is hectic. I had to go and read your page on 3D printing as I was not familiar with exactly what it is.
    Looking at 3D printing I can understand why the growth is so huge. It really is incredible, I first thought you were referring to just printing on paper and I couldn’t understand why you were so excited about the subject! I now understand why.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. No problem Lynne!

      Ofcourse I’m excited about 3D printers! Their impact is going to be so huge on the economy!


    2. Sorry if was a bit difficult for you to understand. I tried to be as clear as possible, but you’re right without any background info it could be a bit harder to get a good grasp on it. Hope you fully understand it now.


  2. Great post on giving the latest insight on the newest trends with printers.

    The thought of having 3d printers for homes reminds me of when laser printers first came out. Super expensive and very large then prices came down and over all size as well.

    Here you have brought to our attention the newest technology in printers that once again will become a house hold name and want to have one.

    Again really good post on keeping us updated looking forward to what you’ve got coming next.

    1. You are 100% right Travis! Laser printers used to be very expensive and only for industrial purposes, nowadays you can find them in so many households. Expecting to see the same trend for 3D printers as well.

      Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it and will be posting more about the newest technology for sure.


    2. Thank you Travis. Really nice to hear that you enjoyed reading my article. I’ll make sure to keep you updated with the latest printer news!

  3. I knew that 3D printers were going to get really popular at some point – I remember the first buzz about them and how amazing it seems and still seems!. As soon as they hit the market with affordable prices for the general public there was no going back. I’m really interested to see how they are going to change the way we live in the future as I’m sure there is going to be an impact at some stage. I haven’t actually used one but have seen them in shops – I don’t think I’ll be buying one in the near future but would definitely love to have a go at 3D printing.

    1. You’re absolutely right sduncan252! Public interest and usage for 3d printers will keep on growing. Prices will drop and soon enough lots of households will own their own 3d printer. Lots of interesting stuff to look out for in the near future!


  4. Wow – this is a super cool article – loved the video also.

    3D Printing is something that I have never tried but it totally fascinates me. The concept of being able to just replicate an object is mind-blowing. Seeing the video of the globe object just ‘grow’ from the printing mixture of the Carbon 3D is incredible to watch. I would dearly love to have one some day.

    I enjoyed the analysis of the market to – doubling year on year!

    For someone like me – what would you recommend as a starting unit for home use?

    Thanks and all the best.


    1. Thanks Richard, I tried my best to give some of the latest 3d printing news and make it understandable for everybody. I will be posting a 3d printer review soon enough so make sure to revisit my site. I will provide you with information about starting printers for home use!


  5. Last year we were at an expo where there was a stand with some 3D printers. The demonstration were pretty awesome and we all went away mightily impressed. This Carbon 3D though, seems to bring it all up onto another level. Heck, it’s even more impressive!
    The possibilities of this technology are endless – replacement body parts being but one benefit that will stem from the printing.
    I guess though, that this type of carbon 3D printing will be expensive in the short to medium term?

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