About Me


Hi everybody!

I am Vincent, a young man born and vincent topratedprinterraised in Belgium. I have studied economics and I currently run my own printing business. Ever since I was a little kid I have been fascinated with electronics. My dad is an engineer and that’s probably what inspired me to start this company. I have no regrets about my life choices and I absolutely love what I’m doing. Furthermore, I love to read and write about engineering and printers in general. I figured a blog is the best medium to accomplish this goal.

I ask that if there is ever anything that captures your interest, that you will get involved within my site. I love to talk about electronics and if you have anything interesting that you want to share or any opinions of any of the content I have created on my site, please do speak up. I love getting feedback in every way. For all questions, go to my contact page.


What’s in it for You?

You want help with anything involving printers. You might be figuring out what printer would fit you best. Or you are just curious about them and eager to learn something. Then this is most certainly the right place for you! A good place to start is my best printer guide. Lots of information, tips and recommendations can be found there.

We can all help each other in our search for the right equipment. I will try to write as much printer reviews as possible. Additionally I will always be testing out new products and blogging about them.

I think my insights and experience with printers can really help you forward. Hope you enjoy the content of my site.



Founder of Top rated printers

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